Intelligent Technology for Aircraft Detection and Recognition through SAR Imagery: Advancements and Prospects
摘要: 合成孔径雷达(SAR)采用相干成像机制,具有全天时、全天候成像的独特优势。飞机目标作为一种典型高价值目标,其检测与识别已成为SAR图像解译领域的研究热点。近年来,深度学习技术的引入,极大提升了SAR图像飞机目标检测与识别的性能。该文结合团队在SAR图像目标特别是飞机目标的检测与识别理论、算法及应用等方面的长期研究积累,对基于深度学习的SAR图像飞机目标检测与识别进行了全面回顾和综述,深入分析了SAR图像飞机目标特性及检测识别难点,总结了最新的研究进展以及不同方法的特点和应用场景,汇总整理了公开数据集及常用性能评估指标,最后,探讨了该领域研究面临的挑战和发展趋势。Abstract: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), with its coherent imaging mechanism, has the unique advantage of all-day and all-weather imaging. As a typical and important topic, aircraft detection and recognition have been widely studied in the field of SAR image interpretation. With the introduction of deep learning, the performance of aircraft detection and recognition, which is based on SAR imagery, has considerably improved. This paper combines the expertise gathered by our research team on the theory, algorithms, and applications of SAR image-based target detection and recognition, particularly aircraft. Additionally, this paper presents a comprehensive review of deep learning-powered aircraft detection and recognition based on SAR imagery. This review includes a detailed analysis of the aircraft target characteristics and current challenges associated with SAR image-based detection and recognition. Furthermore, the review summarizes the latest research advancements, characteristics, and application scenarios of various technologies and collates public datasets and performance evaluation metrics. Finally, several challenges and potential research prospects are discussed.
表 1 SAR图像飞机目标检测与识别实测数据集
Table 1. Public datasets for aircraft detection and recognition in SAR imagery
应用领域 数据集名称 数据采集平台 数据集内容及特点 目标检测 SADD数据集
(Zhang et al., 2022)[62]德国
TerraSAR-X● 在X波段和HH模式下成像,图像分辨率从0.5 m到3.0 m。
● 数据集背景复杂、尺度目标多样,存在大量小尺寸目标,还包含了一部分负样本(机场附近的空地和森林等)。
● 数据总量为2966幅,其中飞机目标图像884幅,共计7835架飞机。图像大小为224像素×224像素。MSAR-1.0数据集
(陈杰等,2022)[90]HISEA-1, Gaofen-3 ● 数据集的采集场景多样,包括飞机、油罐、桥梁和船只4类目标。
● 数据总量为28449幅,其中飞机目标图像108幅,共计6368架飞机。图像大小为256像素×256像素。目标识别 多角度SAR数据集
(王汝意等,2022)[83]无人机载SAR ● 以角度间隔5°,采集了72个不同方位下的飞机目标实测数据。
● 数据集包含两类飞机目标:大棕熊100和“空中拖拉机”AT-504,数据总量为144幅,图像大小为128像素×128像素。SAR-ACD数据集
(Sun et al., 2022)[78]Gaofen-3 ● 数据集包括6个民用飞机类别,14个其他飞机类别,共计4322架飞机。
● 目前民用飞机类别已开源,数据量共3032幅。其中,6类飞机目标:A220, A320/321, A330, ARJ21, Boeing737和Boeing787的图像分别为464, 512, 510, 514, 528, 504幅。
● 为飞机目标细粒度识别提供了数据基准。表 2 SAR图像飞机目标仿真数据集
Table 2. Simulation SAR datasets of aircraft targets
数据集 仿真平台 内容及特点 SPGAN-SAR
(Liu et al., 2018)[88]OpenSARSim[89] ● 数据集包含飞机、船只和车辆3类目标,可细分为10个子类。每个子类包括504幅仿真图像,图像大小为158像素×158像素。 IRIS-SAR数据集
(Ahmadibeni et al., 2020)[95–97]IRIS[98] ● 包含6类目标,分别为48架民用飞机,58架小型螺旋桨飞机,82架喷气式飞机,29架民用和54架非民用直升机,24辆民用和28辆非民用车辆,以及32艘船只,共355个CAD模型。
● 展示了355个CAD模型在5个俯仰角(从15°开始,增量为15°),12个方位角(从0°开始,增量为30°)和3个探测距离(100 m, 200 m, 300 m)下生成的多角度SAR仿真数据集。
● 数据总量为63900幅,图像大小为512像素×512像素。可用于目标分类和图像去斑研究。 -
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